Outlive Your Self-Doubt

Turning adversity into strength

Outlive your self-doubt.

For as long as I can remember, self-doubt has been present. Tormenting me like a childhood bully. Preventing me from taking action or performing to my limits.

I’ve spent countless hours trying to battle, overcome and heal the doubt. Focused on feeling better to do better. Believing this is the only way to relinquish the grip self-doubt has on me. Until Alex Hormozi shed light on a different way to view things. Instead of accounting for the doubt, allowing it to negatively impact performance, outwork it. Or in this case, outlive it.

Imagine you are in the Olympics about to run a 100m race. There’s the track and the runners. Each athlete has shoes specifically designed for the race and their feet. You can either view self-doubt as wearing clown shoes, ruining your ability to run and holding you back. Or see it as just another competitor. The only competitor, because in this race it is you against yourself.

Competition creates innovation and drives performance. Competing against your doubt could be the driver you need to see what you're truly capable of. To not wait until you have no doubt but to act despite it. To improve because of it. To use it as a catalyst for growth and not an excuse for inaction.

You can wish for different circumstances but nothing is going to change unless you make a change.

“It's not the lack of resources, it's your lack of resourcefulness that stops you“

Tony Robbins

The doubt will be there whether you decide to use it as a weapon, or a wound.

Pain can be an advantage, all it takes is a change in perspective. The choice is yours.

Outlive your self-doubt.

Separate yourself from it. You are not the feelings or thoughts you experience. Once you recognise you are not the self-doubt, you can detach and compete against it. Prove it wrong.

Maybe your doubt is a necessary part of the journey, fuelling your ability to push boundaries and see what you are capable of.

turn doubt into a friend, a foe or fuel. Whatever helps.

you can feel sorry for yourself or you can get to work.

In the past, scientists created a big dome (Biosphere 2) with purified air and water in an attempt to create the perfect conditions for plants to flourish. However, trees would grow to a certain height and collapse. The biosphere left out a crucial element for the tree’s health. Wind. Trees respond to wind by growing deeper and stronger roots, increasing stability. Trees and humans alike need resistance to strengthen.

This doubt you possess is that resistance.

“I can’t do this”

Okay, you can’t. Now what?

Do you give up? Do you not try? Do you accept defeat before even starting or giving your best shot?

Will you wait until you FEEL ready before you do anything with your life?

What if that time never comes, what if it’s too late, what if you waste this finite opportunity you have to live fully because of a feeling?

A feeling that has likely stemmed from childhood which you had no control over.

You have control now. Over your decisions, what things mean and the perspectives you hold.

Allow doubt to be a catalyst for growth.

Outlive your self-doubt, leave it in the dust. And when you look back, the life you’ve created, the person you’ve become, will be better for it.

Stay curious,

Morgan Bedford