Noone has the answers you seek

Look within yourself

No one has the answers you're looking for.

As a lifelong learner, the desire for knowledge is endless. We live in a time with instant access to information in the palm of our hands. More resources than the kings and queens of history. The internet has provided us with the opportunity to read, watch and listen to the greatest thinkers, entertainers and artists.

But there is a hidden cost to this access.

The ease of looking outside ourselves for answers has replaced looking within. Resources replace our resourcefulness to reflect, make decisions and follow our internal compass.

In an attempt to transform my life, I adopted the views of others more successful. They had the mindset, expertise and experience which I sought. They were my mentors.

Consumption became the default state, an automatic habit which kicked in with any spare moment. Trying to absorb as much wisdom as possible.

This worked, until it didn’t.

After consuming knowledge from different sources and people, contradictions began to show and confusion began to creep in. What began as a roadmap turned into many different routes. Each of these people had become successful in different ways, with different views, beliefs and philosophies.

I used these people as a filter for how I should think, feel and act. Now I wasn’t sure what needed to be filtered. The control I’d so easily given up was thrown back onto me to decide.

I had replaced my internal compass with the GPS of others.

It’s taken years to realise that although the advice and guidance we seek have many benefits, it cannot replace our judgment. Even when those people have reached a destination we want.

Consider that the clarity you want, the direction you desire, is an answer that can only be found within you.

The need to look outside of yourself for answers is a distraction from the real work to be done.

We are subject to so much influence. From the content we consume, the friends we keep and the standards of society—an influence which has replaced our inner wisdom.

This piece is not to demonise the search for knowledge or guidance, but a warning. There is a balance between external support and internal direction. You cannot rely solely on the perspective, opinions or guidance of the external world. Failure to do so will result in confusion and a battle for control.

Your life is just that, yours.

Each person is on an individual journey, with no road map. There are signposts, synchronicities and guides that help you along that journey. But no one can hold your hand through it.

Each of us has a unique story filled with experiences, skills, dreams and circumstances. So how could anyone know what’s best for you, what you should and should not do, who you are or who you will become?

No book, influencer or course can give you the roadmap to a fulfilling life. They can provide guidance but the real insight comes through personal experience. Through trial and error, wrong turns, detours and a willingness to explore your curiosity and discover what you are truly capable of.

The wisdom you seek is found in the action you are yet to take.

What are the steps to following internal direction?


If you don’t know what you want (vision), or how you think or feel. Then how could you possibly take action toward your desired life?

Even if you don’t know what your vision is, you know what you don’t want (anti-vision)Start there. Make a list and do the opposite. You can then begin moving further away from these undesirables.

Leaning into uncertainty

Uncertainty is part of life. When you try something new you are not sure how the experience will go, treat life the same way.

Your need for answers limits what can be found in the unknown.

This is one big adventure, with twists, turns, ups and downs.

Allow it to happen.

Sometimes we lose items; keys, a phone, a pen. We begin searching to no avail, looking everywhere but it seems as though what we are looking for has vanished into a black hole. Then, sometime after we stop, the item reveals itself as if it were in plain sight the entire time.

What we seek comes when we stop looking.

Trust in source

From Paulo Coelho's Bestseller The Alchemist, the key takeaway is that the universe conspires in your favour.

Whether you believe in the esoteric or not, trust in yourself, you are both made up of the same atoms.

Nothing that has happened in life so far has killed you. Any adversity you’ve faced, confusion you’ve dealt with or hurdles you’ve hopped have been enough to stop you.

Believe you are capable of dealing with anything that comes.

I have a full newsletter on trust here

Take action

You are lost in a forest, alone. With no water, food or tools to help you. What do you do?

A - Sit still and wait to be rescued

B - Pick a direction and begin walking

What has the higher chance of survival?

With option A You have no resources to keep you alive and you have no idea if anyone else is even in the forest, let alone if anyone will come and save you.

B You still have none of these things. But, you may come across them on your journey. You may realise you’ve walked in the completely wrong direction. But, knowing where not to go is still progress and you can pick another direction to start walking.

Being lost is not a reason to stop moving, if anything, it’s a reason to keep moving. You will not find your way by doing nothing or hoping someone or something will do the work for you.

The work comes from you, the answers come from you.

Trust in yourself and as always,

Stay curious,

Morgan Bedford