The Life Changing Impact of Curiosity

A stranger, a train and a dream

There are inflexion points in life when the tides begin to turn. When circumstances change and new pathways reveal themselves.

Exploring your curiosity is the gateway to these moments.

A conversation with a stranger began my transition from an era of confusion and doubt to a life filled with direction and confidence.

It’s 2022, after recently starting a career in modelling I was headed to London for a photoshoot.

I jump on the train and sit across from a middle-aged woman with short blue hair, hand tattoos and a blazer. A man sits next to her and they begin chatting. My interest spikes as they begin talking about business, I pause the podcast - Diary of a CEO, a staple in the roster - and listen to their conversation for a few minutes before chiming in.

The conversation lasts for 2 hours and spreads across an array of topics, from entrepreneurship to mental health and public speaking. It was the first time I’d had an in-depth and fascinating conversation with a stranger. Jen mentioned she knew two guys who may be able to help with my ambitions. We exchange details and my mind is blown with what just unfolded.

Fast forward 3 days and she puts me in touch with Sam, Coach and future CEO of a CIC (Community Interest Company) which helps 16-24 year olds get into entrepreneurship. They focus on kids in an area at the opposite end of the country to me. Still, he gave me access to their community with founder and business mogul Alex.

2 months later, Alex pitched the idea to the group of someone creating shorts for their podcast. I had no editing experience but did not hesitate in saying I’d do it. I then began working for their company creating shorts and promo videos and having multiple conversations with Sam and Alex. Beginning to see the opportunities that are possible with the Internet and the right people.

One of which allowed me to attend a business event in March 2023 with the team and some fellow young entrepreneurs. This place oozed with passion, success and impact. Guest speakers who have made 6-7 figures each year, pioneers in marketing, sales and more. Everyone was there to learn, connect and grow. It was magical. It was the first time I’d peered behind the curtain of the world of entrepreneurship. Before which, I’d only seen through a screen.

This was a moment when I felt I was exactly where I should be. It felt like a glimpse into the future of what was possible.

On the second day, I begin speaking to Ali. We go in-depth on the topic of spirituality and we continue our conversation online. After a Zoom meeting, she offered to coach me, I couldn’t believe what was happening.

To know within yourself that you have potential is a feeling no one else can supply. But to come across others who also believe in you is confirmation that removes the doubts and fear, even for a moment. Instilling a greater level of confidence. That what you see in yourself is not a lie, and that others can see it too.

It is now the present day. My life has dramatically improved. I have finally started to create and share my insights and lessons on the internet - a long-time goal I was too afraid to do.

I am more at peace with myself and my direction than ever before. Confidence is through the roof—Intune with thoughts, emotions and instincts.

After reflecting on the impact coaching has had on my life, I have begun my coaching journey to help others on their path of self-discovery and self-actualisation. What was once a vague dream of having a positive impact on other people’s lives is now becoming a reality.

This whole story started from being curious about others and the world. Having the courage to ask questions, speak to new people and say yes even when you have doubts.

There are so many different possibilities and so many moments when you are one decision away from altering the course of your life. All you need is the courage to make that decision.

There is no step-by-step guide or specific route to take. You cannot know what decisions will change your trajectory, this comes in hindsight.

What you do have is gut instinct. Tap into the eternal source of intuition. Begin to make decisions not based on fear, comfort or safety. There is a power within you that is wiser than your mind, use it.

You never know what might happen.

I could have never imagined that 14 months ago I’d have been on the journey that has unfolded. The best part is that this is just the beginning.

For anyone out there feeling lost, confused or worried about the future. Sit on the idea that you have no idea what might happen. All you can control is how you are in this moment. And when you feel that fire of curiosity burning inside at any moment, follow that. It may take you to places you could never have imagined.

And for those who have allowed that fire to dim, who have not maintained the flame, this is your call to reignite that childlike wonder.

As always - Stay curious,

Morgan Bedford